Friday, July 25, 2008

Where'd it go?

Lost my motivation to do anything today. I think that happened sometime this morning between rolling out of bed and walking across the hall to the bathroom. Not quite sure why.

It's not like this week has been stressful. Haven't had any major life moments. Work has only been work. Haven't worn down because of working out (can't if you don't work out). In fact, I need to get serious about running again if I'm to do another marathon in 14 weeks. Hopefully this is the lull before the training storm.

Lately I can't hold myself accountable to working out. I'm used to the group dynamic and having a schedule come from someone else. That needs to change since I'm doing this marathon alone. I know what needs to be done, I'm just not doing it.

Hopefully that'll change this weekend, as early as tonight. I told someone I'd be at a group bike ride tonight and it looks like the weather's going to cooperate (I'm not a rainy weather rider (say that 3 times fast!)) and then on Sunday I'm heading out to a tri to cheer a bunch of teammates on. Many of them are doing a 1/2 Ironman distance tri (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run). For a couple of them this race is only a training day! They're doing a full Ironman tri in Sept. If watching them doesn't inspire me to take training seriously, uh oh.

I haven't been accountable to my housework either. It isn't fun coming home to dishes that need to be washed and laundry that needs to be folded, but I can't find the gumption to get those things done. I'd say getting a wife might be helpful, but the one I did have didn't do those things either. D'oh! Hey, that was kinda funny and made me feel a little better, put a smile on my face anyway.

Watch out, I'm in one of those vindictive, sarcastic moods. Maybe I should call up Lindsay and see if there's anything we need to "discuss". hehehe

1 comment:

Kris said...

Hey Jon!
I hear ya on the lack of training motivation. I need to get my rear in gear and start training for TC but the long runs sound like absolutely no fun. Dana and I are hoping to get together and run each week if you want to join us!
Thanks again for cheering for us last weekend, it was awesome having you all over the course :)