Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What's the over/under on nicknames?

So how many nicknames can one person receive and who gets to choose what sticks or not? CC seems to think she can willy nilly just start using new ones. Do I have any say in the matter? If I don't like it, do I get veto power and get to say try again? I don't think a person should be allowed to come up with their own nickname, but they should be allowed some leverage in the discussion. Maybe not. More than likely, probably not in this situation. Oh well, call me what you want. If I can't laugh at myself I don't have any right to laugh at you and I do enjoy doing that on occasion.

Got my new haircut today. It's supposed to be a star. I guess it kind of looks like one from what I can tell, maybe better from above. The back of my head is the strangest, glad I can't see that. As long as I wear my hat backwards it pretty much covers everything up. They tried to dye it hot pink, but I think my hair's too short to hold the color, it rinsed right out. I'm not sure if they'll try something different yet this week. Got some pix, but they aren't digital so you'll have to wait until they get developed and then I'll get them posted.

Have I mentioned how much I like the triathlete body? Well, I do. There's something about an athletic build that does it for me, not just triathletes I suppose. This topic might sound a little (a lot) raunchy, but it's not meant that way. It's just what I like. The supermodel, rail thin, walking sticks have never done anything for me. Give me a woman with some muscle, some athletic endurance and I'll show you a happy Jon. Just as long as she doesn't have cankles! Nope, don't like those. My next relationship will possess the appropriate athletic/physical qualities. Cripes, I might even let her beat me in some races. The view might be just as good from behind! ;)

On that note...Starbright just doesn't seem to fit.

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