Friday, August 1, 2008

There's supposed to be how many?!

I finally figured out what's been nagging at me this week. It's not that it really needed "figuring out", but more of a realization how it affects me. I miss my kids. It took talking to a coworker to fully realize this. Her only child is going off to college this weekend for the first time this weekend and she's having a hard time with that.

This week was (is) supposed to be my week to have my kids. This is also the week they're in Korean Culture Camp all week (their mom is 100% Korean for those that don't know, if any one of you are reading). It's a day camp, but met every day from Monday thru the closing ceremony tomorrow. With the logistics and start/end times of camp it just made it easier for the kids to stay with Lindsay this week too so, in essence, I forfeited my week.

I was able to see them a couple of times during the week and talked to them on the phone as well, but that no where near replaces bringing them home with me, listening to them play here, listening to them fight with each other, putting them to bed, waking them up, just being their parent. Is this what it's going to be like 13 years from now too when the last of them goes to college? Probably worse I'd imagine.

The closing ceremony should be fun tomorrow. Along with other things, the boys will put on a little tae kwan do demonstrataion and then Kayli will be part of a traditional dance number. Devon and Conner were cute the other day trying to show us what they were learning in t.k.d. telling us to hold some pillows out and they did their spin kicks and such. This has been Devon's first year being able to go and he's having a blast!

After the ceremony I get the kids for the weekend and we're heading up north to Mom and Dad's. Can't wait to get there! #1, most of the heavy projects should be done already by the group that's already up there (shucks, that's too bad) and #2, Mom and Dad are having a lobster and shrimp feast for everyone tomorrow night! My mouth's watering just thinking about it. Mom ordered fresh lobster from Maine that's flown in and delivered right to their door and the shrimp are as big as your palms. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm good! I better get in a couple of extra miles on my run tomorrow to make room in my belly.

So I made a batch of cookies tonight to take along for the car ride tomorrow (3.5 hrs up north). The recipe said it should make about 3 dozen. I ended up closer to 2 dozen. I'll admit unbaked cookie dough is a weakness of mine, but c'mon?! I don't think I ate a dozen's worth of cookies! In fact, I don't think I've ever been able to squeeze out the number of cookies the author of the recipe says it should. Apparently all the authors and I have differing opinions on how big the cookies should be. I'm not going to make something that you can just toss the whole thing in your mouth. Cookies should take 3 or 4 bites to finish. Am I way off base here? Has anyone else noticed this overapproximation? Yes, it's these types of things that keep me up at night.

Now that I think about it, I better do a couple of extra miles for all the dough and baked cookies I ate tonight too. I better get to bed so I can get up early enough to finish all these miles before the ceremony!

I'll give you a post-lobster recap on Sunday. Until then, happy eating!

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