Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Remember me?

Hello old friend Blogspot! I'm back after an unknown hiatus. I'm sure I've lost whatever audience I had so it might just be you and me for awhile. So much to tell, but don't know where to start. I won't try to get you caught up on everything for the past month and a half, but suffice it to say there hasn't been a whole lot of down time.
I think I subconsciously chose today to check back in because it's normally one of my most fun days of the year - April Fool's Day! If you know me, you might have reason to think I'm somewhat of a jokester. I say it's normally one of my most fun because the sad thing about this year's AFD is that it kind of snuck up on me and I didn't have time to plan anything really worth reporting. Not that it was a bad day, just not as fun as I could have made it. I did send out an email though to my department telling them there were DQ dilly bars in the breakroom when there weren't, but that's about it. I think I got a couple of them mad at me for that. You don't joke about free food in the workplace, especially desserts! Anybody could bring anything in, edible or not, and it would be gone by the end of the day.
How's this for a day living up to its reputation - 10 years ago today, 4/1/1999, I became engaged. Yup, I proposed on April Fool's Day. I guess the joke was on me since we all know how that marriage worked (or didn't). :)

Marathon and triathlon training are going well. The ol' body is holding up thus far and I'm feeling stronger so we're on the right track. Coming off a chest cold last week though so my breathing isn't 100% on my runs, but each time out is a little better than the last. I had a 6 mile run tonight and then headed over to the pool for an 1800 yd swim. Not the longest swim I've done, but a mile's a mile.
Well, that's all for tonight. I gotta ease back into this blogging thing. ;) I'll talk to ya again soon and promise it won't be another 6 week break!

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