Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Shorts Weather!

Just wanted to comment quick about what a gorgeous evening it was tonight for a run - mid 60's, cloudless! I wasn't the only one who thought this either as the paths around L. Calhoun were busy. I was doing my best Dale Earnhardt impression weaving in and out of pedestrians - passing on the left, passing on the right, even did some drafting off a faster runner for a bit. The TNT marathon team met tonight for our run. There are some strong runners on the team this year and it's been nice to push my limits with them. I think (hope) it's making me a stronger/faster runner. We'll see come race day I suppose. I hit the pool after the run for 2300 yds of liquid enjoyment. No cramping tonight so we'll call the swim workout a success as well. I need to continue to work on my stroke though. Coach pointed out I was crossing over center which isn't effective so I have to continue to concentrate each and every stroke. That can make it hard to remember what lap I'm on, but thankfully there was someone else in my lane with me so I just let her lead and stopped when she stopped after each set. How chivalrous of me, huh? ;) The swim portion of a triathlon is nice in that regard - you just swim from one buoy to the next and eventually back to shore. You don't have to worry about how many laps you've done and how many you have to go. Now, if they'd just put visible lane lines in the lakes we'd be all set. Hour and a half spin session tomorrow so that'll be another fun night.

Blogging teaser - I have a couple of parental type subjects to write about, but not tonight. For any parents out there put on your advice hat and feel free to let me know your opinions. For you others, feel free to chime in as well, just because we're parents doesn't mean we have all the answers (just don't tell my kids I said that). I'll write about these subjects this week yet so check back.

Until then...

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