Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Daughter Aged Overnight

I guess technically we all do. We age with every passing second for that matter.

She called me last night to tell me she was getting her hair cut. She's 11. She's had it cut before, no big deal, right? This time she was getting it cut cut though!

She was with her mom at the time, but I was told the conversation went something like this-

Kayli (daughter): I want to get my hair cut.
Lindsay (her mom): Okay, how much?
K: Just trimmed. I want it to grow longer so I can donate it to Locks of Love.
L: Your hair is long enough to do that now.
K: Oh, okay, I want to get it cut short then.

I stopped over at Lindsay's tonight to see it and she went from my little girl to a little lady. Okay, there have been 2 other "bumpy" developments that have been taking shape the past few months that have also contributed to that metamorphosis, but this one change made her look 5 years older instantly!

She likes her new look and for that matter so do I.

That's her in my profile picture taken just 2 months ago. You can see how long her hair was. It's not even touching her shoulders now, she has a neck! I'm more proud of her than anything though. It was her thought and idea to donate her hair. Unprovoked she wanted to do that. It gives me a warm fuzzy knowing my kids think along those lines.

The funny thing is, we just got her school pictures back last week and now they're outdated. Maybe we should get retakes?

1 comment:

Julie and Patrick said...

Awesome! Definitely a proud moment. Thanks for sharing the story.

Now, Jon, are you going to grow your hair out and donate it???? You've had it green and shaped like a star, now you need to go after that hippy look!