Sunday, February 15, 2009

VD Recap

The boys had their Valentine's Day parties last Friday at school. All week Devon was so excited for it. I think he was really just excited because he knew he'd be getting candy. He even asked if we could go around the neighborhood door to door to see if anyone else had Valentimes (that's how he pronounces it, with the "m") for him. I told him this wasn't Halloween. When I picked them up Friday after school he told me about his party and all the valentines he got. I asked if he had any girlfriends and he sheepishly said he did. I pressed the issue and he said he had 3 of them. He said 2 of them were in his class and "Sara, but she's in another class. She's hot!" I busted a gut when he said that. I may say some things every now and then I hope the kids don't pick up on, but he didn't get that one from me! It was cute.

Conner's cub scout pack had their first Blue/Gold ceremony last night. It's when cub scouts have made it through all the cub ranks and are eligible to cross over into boy scouts. We are a pretty new pack so this was the first batch of boys to make it to this level. It was kind of a neat ceremony, but I won't bore you with details. Conner really enjoys scouting so I hope it's something he keeps up with. He isn't really the outdoorsy, get your hands dirty type so maybe this will help with that in a fun way for him.

This was kind of a boring post, but it's all I got tonight. Just wanted to get something down for ya to read. This is going to be a busy week for me both at work and working out with my various groups so I'll jot something down later this week if I survive it all. Ciao.

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