Tuesday, December 2, 2008

'09 Race Schedule

At least I don't feel (yet) or act like I'm getting old. You're going to have to tell me if I look it though. Here's my race schedule for next year. Looks like there won't be much downtime in '09.

05/03 Lake Minnetonka 1/2 marathon
05/09 New Prague 1/2 marathon
06/21 Mankato Sprint triathlon
06/27 Seattle marathon
07/18 Lifetime triathlon (not sure if I'll do the Sprint or Olympic distance yet, probably Sprint)
07/26 Chisago City 1/2 iron triathlon*
08/21-22 Ragnar Relay
10/18 Des Moines marathon

*this is the main focus race for the year - 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run.

I think total distance-wise, this is the most ambitious of a schedule I've put together for any given year. Let's hope I survive it all! I just might look my age after I get done with all this, if I don't already!


Kris said...

Great schedule! Looks like we'll be racing together for the Mkta half marathon and in Chisago. I'm sure you'll beat me to the finish line so you can cheer for me when I get there. :)

Becky said...

Wow, Jon! I'm so impressed. I'm still trying to get my butt motivated enough to do a half-marathon sometime this spring. Maybe Lifetime (probably Sprint), and hopefully the Nike marathon with TNT and Iron Girl dualthon... although that may be to ambitious for me.
Anyways, very impressive. Way to go.