Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Posting Cornucopia

Been awhile since I've done anything but read others' posts so I'll get you up to speed on some minor things the past couple of weeks and throw in a random thought here and there.

No new fraudulent transactions in my bank account so I think those problems are behind me, that's good. Haven't received my new card in the mail yet so it's starting to push the outer limits of the time frame on when it should've been here, that's not so good. My company relocated from Eagan to Bloomington which means crossing the river on my commute every day now, that's really not good!

Went deer hunting with my buddy, Wade, last week/weekend. It turned out to be the least successful hunt we've had in the 8 years we've been doing this together. I only saw 1 deer in the 4.5 days we hunted and got the only shot of the weekend between the 2 of us. He saw more though, but couldn't shoot for one reason or another. Unfortunately mine was more of a desperation shot and I didn't hit the deer (rejoice PETA, but know I'll be back out there next year). Regardless, it was still a nice weekend/vacation just getting away and spending time with him. I've kind of neglected those friendships this year. Neglected might be too strong of a word, but I haven't talked with Wade or some other buddies as much these past few months as I have in the past. It was nice though in that it didn't seem to be an issue and we hung out like we always have and picked things up like there's never been an absence. Nice to have friends you can do that with and not have to worry about hurt feelings or needing to get "caught up". We just picked it up like there was never anything missing. Is that just a guy thing to do though? If so, I'm glad I'm one of 'em!

I did get another shot though while hunting. Friday morning I was sitting in my stand minding my own business when a little red squirrel decided he wanted to climb up one of the trees my stand was built in/on. He'd come up about 5 feet, stop, stare at me, do a little dance on the side of the tree, squeal and then dart back down. This went on for about 10 minutes, each time getting just a little bit closer. I finally got bored with him and actually didn't want him coming all the way up. I didn't want him to get too brave and make it. The last thing I needed was to get attacked by a rabid squirrel with a loaded rifle right there! So, on what turned out to be his last ascent up my tree, I carefully reached for my weapon of choice...slowly got into position...took aim...and BLASTED him with my water bottle. Direct hit! He was soaked and retreated for the day! Of all the trees in the forest he had to pick mine to assault. He was cute to begin with, but he really interfered with my napping time after a minute or two so he had to go! Hey, I have to take my victories where I can get them, it was that kind of a hunting weekend.

The weekend before that, on the 8th, Captain Cartwheel and I had a joint birthday party thrown for us. We share the same bday, but were both out of town on the actual day so Dana put together a fun night out for a small group on the 8th. CC and I started the day/evening off together by both getting tattoos. No, not the same design. I'll post a picture of mine once I get one available. It's at the point now where it's healing (which means scabbing) so it may not be the prettiest thing to show off at the moment.

I treated myself to my first tattoo for a 30th bday present after running the NYC marathon on my actual bday. After finishing the Indy marathon on my 40th I figured I better do the same thing and get another tat. I guess if you're looking for present ideas for my 50th & 60th bdays a safe bet might be a gift certificate to a tattoo shop.

Got home from hunting and had an email waiting for me from the TNT staff. They picked their mentors for the 2009 teams and it turned out I conned them into picking me again for the triathlon team! I guess I fooled the right people into thinking I knew what I was doing last season. ;) I was pleased to see that as I did have fun with it this past summer. Next season will be a little busier for me though as I'll be on 2 teams simultaneously. I'm going to run the Seattle marathon in June so I'll be on that team while mentoring and being on the triathlon team for the July LTF triathlon. Here's your warning now, I'll be actively fundraising this next time around so stay tuned for how you can donate. You can pretty much be guaranteed you'll be hearing from me. If you don't know what TNT is or may possibly want to join in, check out their site here.

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